Pastor Jessup has been in the ministry for nearly 30 years shepherding rural churches throughout the western U.S. He is also a Field Representative for Rockies Southwest Bible Church Extension, a mission to plant and encourage churches. He and his wife, Jeanne, have two children and nine grandchildren.
A quote from a past message perhaps sums up the goal of his ministry - Our identity, our calling, our life is wrapped up in the Person and Work of Christ. Everything else takes a back seat. Note that Paul was not at all interested in furthering selfish pursuits. When followers of George Whitefield wanted to name their movement after him like the Wesleyans had for John, he said, "Let the name of Whitefield perish, but Christ be glorified" and "Let my name die everywhere, let even my friends forget me, if by that means the cause of the blessed Jesus may be promoted," and "But what is Calvin, or what is Luther? Let us look above names and parties: let Jesus be our all in all - So that He is preached . . . I care not who is uppermost. I know my place . . . even to be the servant of all."